Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So, it's a sad day...

...when your 2.5 year old tells you you are going the WRONG way. Lucky he's so observant. This story really tells why I should drink some version of caffiene first thing in the morning. Unlike most stories that show one's flaws - I saw the humor immediately.

So...I got the boys ready to go this morning. Telling Jake (and Nick, but he doesn't REALLY get it yet...) the plan for the day: Doctor first (Nick needed his one year shots - I will never understand why they couldn't have done it the day before his birthday - and they both needed their flu boosters) and then to school. I get every one dressed with shoes and jackets for the rain. Load us all in the car - in the rain - and set out on our adventure.

I drive out and turn left at the light. Immediately Observant Jake starts telling me - NO DOCTOR FIRST. NUTS! You're right buddy...Mommy needs to get turned around. 2 miles later, we get turned around - I should have stopped and got the Starbucks right there at the Corner, but no... Off we go. I call Mom to share the humorous story.

Out of habit, I start heading North on the Highway. As soon as it's too late to recover, I realize NUTS - I did it again. And another 2 miles for the exit - GRRRR. We WERE going to be early. I exit, already knowing I need to turn around and Observant Jake - No, Mama, Doctor First! I know Buddy - Mama did it again. I heard that for the rest of the way - Mama did it again!

I called the doctor's office and just said we were running late. All the while thinking...what a sad day. But luckily I had told Jake what was going on - or they would have gotten dropped off at school and no shots would have been gotten today!

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

I am finally catching up on your blog and sister - you are outdoing me big time:) I am so proud of your frequent blogging. It is sad to say that it doesn't surprise me that Jake had to straighten you out:):) Love ya:) Em