Monday, December 8, 2008

Decorating the Tree

Having a tree up with two toddler boys, was a challenge I thought we'd forego this year. As luck would have it, Jake is VERY excited about Christmas lights this year - trees, lights, wreaths, he's points them out wherever we go. So, we decided to go ahead and were further encouraged by a great deal on a pretty good tree and shatterproof ornaments (Thanks for writing about them Em...wouldn't have known they exist without ya!) - we've minimized risk and figure if this tree only lasts for a year or two - we're still in good shape.

Jake had a great time putting the ornaments on "his" tree. He did pretty good - we had to spread them out a little from the 3.5 foot level. Nick tried to help - set the ornaments in the branches he didn't really get the string concept.

Now, they both play with the ornaments - who wouldn't? There are 48 "balls" on their tree!

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