Saturday, July 24, 2010

Picture Shoot

Before we left Kansas, we met with a fabulous photographer (I wish we had met at the BEGINNING!). Anyway, here is the slide show from our shoot - we had a GREAT time! (NOTE: it's just the boys...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


We are all finally at Fort Bliss in our new house. I had high hopes of taking pictures along the way, but alas, I was a slacker or a driver...

We left Indiana on Wednesday about 30 minutes ahead of our desired get on the road time. The boys did great and it was a do-able day to Springfield, Mo. We were hoping to get in early enough to go swimming and wear the boys out. We did pretty well and stopped for dinner, first. When we came out of dinner, the truck opened with the clicker. I put the key in, it sputtered and then died - didn't start, no lights, no NOTHING! AGH!

I had noticed there was a Goodyear Store in the same parking lot so I ran ( flip flops...) over there. The nice gentleman was counting cash and I asked if they were closed. He said, not yet, but quickly. I explained my plight - car FULL of crap, 2 kids and my Mom on the first night of our journey and it won't do ANYTHING. He sent a younger mechanic over to jump us off. Started right up with the jump...go figure. He was closing up the hood, when I said - "Do you think this was just a fluke?" He said "probably not..." So I explained to him that I still had 2 more days of driving, we'd already done one. He said "Pull over to the first bay."

Of course, we needed a new battery. The first guy worked on the computer part, the younger guy tracked down a battery, installed it and checked the charging system. That's all it was - a battery. Apparently, the old one realized that we had turned over 50,000 miles that day, and wasn't real fond of running in 90+ degree heat for 8 hours.

Thankful for so many things that day - if we had chosen another place to eat, if we were 20 minutes later...But we didn't and we weren't!

Wed & Thurs on the drive were much less exciting. I swear my heart skipped a beat every time we started the truck. I'm over that now - I'm confident it will start every time.

The boys did a great job with the travel. They watched movies, had their choice of snacks and drinks and didn't get to rowdy & rambunctious when we pushed the limits of toleration so we could get where we were going. The were rewarded with swimming the 1st night, Chuck E Cheese and browsing Toys R Us the 2nd night and seeing Daddy and playing with ALL of their toys on Friday.

They love their new Army Beds (Pics will come...) and are working towards settling in.

Pictures we had done just before we left Kansas city arrived and I just hung most of them up. I need to go find the hammer and nails for 2 more. I might need to call her back - the pics turned out so wonderfully!

I have found most of the kitchen counters, that needs some refinement. And there are still quite a few boxes waiting for me to go through them. We had friends for dinner last night - I'm sure most people question my sanity, but the boys needed to know their friends were here.

After the last few days, I feel a little like Scarlet - tomorrow is another day. I kind of want to relax some today. We'll see. I'm also wanting to get stuff organized and put up - this smaller house FEELS it when there is extra stuff.

I have more videos and pics to put up - although, none from the trip - so stay tuned! We'll try to be better about the blog.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Camera

I have wanted to be more diligent about capturing moments on the video camera. I LOVE all of my digital pictures but sometimes the entire feeling of a moment can only be caught with a video camera. I have also been feeling like my regular camera is too big to be carrying around for every day use at the park - I'm sure I'll forget it one day and that would KILL me!

We happened to see the new line of "blogging" cameras. I'm not sure that is the technical term for them, but the theory is they are handy to have around and easy to upload to blogs, etc, and are still inexpensive. The one we chose also takes decent still pictures - as long as there is light as I discovered on the 4th of July - it's not so good in dark.

As it was well over 90 degrees, I appreciate having a video/still camera in my pocket vs around my neck and I appreciate the (hopefully) simple way of uploading videos to the blog without having extra steps.

There are more videos and pictures from our journey to Ohio and there will be still more of our journey southwest, so stay tuned!