Sunday, September 27, 2009

Snakes don't eat apples

I am teaching 4 year old Religious Education for the parish on post. We were dogsitting this weekend for our friends, the Post's. So when Jake woke up at 630 this morning (babbling non-stop, I might add...) I decided I'd take him with me today so Matt could walk the dog with a little more ease having only Nick with him.

Today's lesson was on Adam and Eve. We read the story from the children's bible and had a discussion about how God told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple and the snake told them to eat it. We did a couple of art projects involving apples - and still talked about the lesson with the kids.

On the way home, Jake said something about the apple. I said God told Adam & Eve not to eat the apple.

Jake: well, Mommy, Daddy, Jake & Nick & Mia (the dog we're watching) eat apples.

Mommy: God wants us to eat apples now. It was just Adam & Eve's apple. God told them not to eat it and the snake told them to eat it. Adam & Eve didn't listen to God.

Jake: Mommy & Daddy & Jake & Nick & Mia eat apples.

Mommy: You're right, we eat apples.

Then we were home (short drive). He went tearing into the house and running down the hall to Daddy. "Daddy, snakes don't eat apples!!"

Matt kind of looked around trying to figure out how that came out of a religious education lesson. Once he had the rest of the story, of course, it made perfect sense.

I love this phase where they are putting things together with their naivete and trying to figure out the world. Ahhhh, the relatively simplistic life of the young...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of Soccer

We signed Jake up for Smart Start Soccer. It is a program to teach the kids the basics of soccer and requires parent participation so there is a one-on-one concept. Jake & Daddy had their first night (Mommy takes over when Daddy’s class moves to Thursdays in a couple of weeks) and they had a GREAT time!

Nick & Mommy hung out at the playground near by!

New Helmets

The boys have a big wheel, and tricycle that warranted helmets. So, they are now stylishly attired with Cars (like the movie) Helmets.

New Scooters

With the Cars helmets. Jake is actually pretty good and can propel himself on the scooter. Nick gets both of his feet on his and then waits for someone to push/pull him along... We're pretty sure it won't take him long to figure it out!

The Zoo with Nana & Pawpaw

Nana & Pawpaw came for a visit and we went to the zoo. I tried and tried to get a picture of the boys with Nana & Pawpaw but their attention was held by…

The construction equipment right next to us…oh well, at least Nana & Pawpaw looked at the camera!

First Day of school

Here’s the Big Boy on his first day of preschool!

Fun in the toy box

Who says the toy box is for toys?

My Buckeyes...

Yes…the were born in Texas but they have Ohio in them, too! A chilly morning walk with Daddy and the needed an extra layer!

Sunglass Boys

Or…the Blues Brothers 2009…Your choice…

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day!

I really thought that staying home would yield me more time to update the blog and take more pics. It really hasn't. I feel like we're still working on a routine or system. The boys are having a great time - most days (as long as it's not pouring...) we are outside several times a day playing with our friends.

We've been making adjustments here over the last few days. With Nick's issues this year, I never got him off the bottle. While he CAN drink out of a cup, he has preferred his bottle - it was kind of his paci. So, we took him off day time bottles (baby steps...) - he still gets them at nap and bed time for the time being. That time is coming. Jake had become very attached to his paci for comfort. Friday, was the big day for both of them - no day time bottles and no paci's. Friday and Saturday night were pretty rough for me as Jake woke up in the middle of the night wanting his paci and almost woke Nick up. Sunday, was only one wake up and last night - NONE! AND, he didn't even ask for the paci! Woohooo!!!!!! Nick is better with our new development than he was, but he's still sure he wants a bottle when he wakes up. We'll let this settle down and then we'll be losing the bottle all together...I think I just need to brace myself for a couple of no/short nap days for that. I'm planning to pick a time when the weather is good so I can just wear them out and Nick will just CRASH!

Today, is Jake's first day of preschool. It's only Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30 but I think he's going to have a GREAT time! He has some friends in the class already. We met his teacher, Ms. Jeanette, last week. We also found out that one of the field trips he will go on will be to the fire station. Not only that, he rides a school BUS to get there. He will have so much fun that day!

Nick has really come in to his own lately. He has his own logic and he surely lets you know what he's thinking now. He's come up with a whole lot more language.

Jake has really broadened his thoughts and language too. Every day, they outsmart me just a little. With this whole paci expedition, we had been talking about sending his paci's to Aunt Shannon's Baby "Crash" - Jake's nickname for the ultrasound. I wasn't REALLY going to mail them...but Jake informed me he was going to carry the box in the car. So, off we went to the post office. I think, ultimately, it helped to solidify that the pacis were gone. So, it worked out. Poor Aunt Shannon...she'll be wondering what is going on until she reads the letter in the box!

Hope this finds everyone well! We've got to start our new morning routine!