Saturday, August 28, 2010

First WEEK Complete

We finished the first week. Whew - it got kind of crazy, too! Nick & I are trying to get it together so we can walk in the mornings - he LOVES riding in the stroller as we go.

Monday: when I picked Jake up, he said he had a good time but informed me he was not going back. We had to visit Daddy at work (Mommy is planning a dinner at a restaurant for us and about 40 soldiers - no kids - and needed to get a decision). Jake informed Mr. David that he liked school and would go back tomorrow.

Tuesday: I picked him up and he was dejected and a little peeved that he was not eating lunch at school. When I heard the administrators telling me the pick up times, I assumed that meant only hot lunch. (This IS my first adventure sending MY kids to school). It occured to me as soon as he said that, that I could PACK his lunch. So, after snooze we went (BACK) to Walmart to pick out a lunch box - Buzz & Woody - and a thermos - Spiderman.

Wednesday: We get to school to find out I can no longer walk him down the hall to his class. I'm not sure what brilliant person thought that 4 year olds only needed 2 days to adjust when it's their first time in school...I signed in and walked him, trying to coach him all the way down. He was a happy camper when I picked him up AFTER lunch.

Thursday: He tried to tell me he can walk to his class by himself. So, I didn't sign in, just stood at the door - he turned the wrong way. So, I had to direct him. Again, after school, he was happy to have eaten lunch at school!

Friday: I had to walk him to his class - he apparently lost his confidence in getting himself to class. But...had a great day, came home with a stamp for good behavior (as he had all the other days) and glad to eat lunch at school.

His eating lunch at school gives Nick and me 30 extra minutes before we pick him up.

We're glad he's enjoying it. Nick is still a work in progress since he needs to be completely potty trained before he can go. So for now, he revels in the fact that he can watch what HE wants on TV and can play with all the toys with no one trying to take them away.

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Sounds like a very successful first week. Kenny is only go to what is called Thursday school which runs from 9:15 - 1:30 every Thursday. He starts 9/16. Stay tuned...I will be calling for advice:)