Sunday, June 27, 2010

Toy Room

From Right to left – here is the toy room…all done!

A few touches on the boys’ bedroom and it will be done. The kitchen was almost done, but we found a couple more boxes in the toy room for the kitchen. And the living room had great progress made…but again, we found more boxes in the toy room. I sure wish the movers would have been a little more agreeable to putting in furniture, then boxes so boxes ended up in the right places…oh well. I suppose I should be grateful that all the big stuff showed up relatively unscathed. There’s been a lot of minor damage…and it’s time consuming to deal with…

I leave Tuesday morning to go to Kansas to get my truck, and drive as far as St. Louis for an overnight and then on to Indy on Wednesday. I can’t wait to see those boys! I’m so glad it’s finally close and I actually got so much accomplished.

NOTE: Since sending this to blogger and not publishing it, we cleaned out almost all the boxes. If the dang movers had been on time and/or not damaged so much of our stuff...we'd be done.

Alas, I leave in the morning to get on the road to see the boys! Can't wait! Fly to KC, drive to St. Louis for the night (purposely set up a stopping point so I would be inclined to stop and rest) and at Nana & Pawpaw's by lunch on Wednesday!

I must get on with the packing!

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

You rock - you kicked some serious butt and should be so proud of yourself. Not only did you unpack AND set up - but you created that wonderful PowerPoint that I am so glad you shared with me so I could be happy to be in Sidney:):):)