Thursday, June 17, 2010


This is a word post...When we got back to the hotel at 9:45 last night after cleaning all but 3 little things we'll get this am, I couldn't find the camera cord in the truck. I couldn't find much of no worries...

The truck got loaded yesterday. The drive says he'll call Friday to let us know if he's coming Monday. This may work out beautifully.

Matt & I are loading up in the truck with a trailer and driving down to Tucumcari, NM, tonight. It will be a LONG day - but will leave us with only 5-6 hours tomorrow.

Here's hoping! We'll see you on the flip side!

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Have a safe trip and get some Mt. Dew and pretzels for the road trip - at least that always helps me:)