Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Camera

I have wanted to be more diligent about capturing moments on the video camera. I LOVE all of my digital pictures but sometimes the entire feeling of a moment can only be caught with a video camera. I have also been feeling like my regular camera is too big to be carrying around for every day use at the park - I'm sure I'll forget it one day and that would KILL me!

We happened to see the new line of "blogging" cameras. I'm not sure that is the technical term for them, but the theory is they are handy to have around and easy to upload to blogs, etc, and are still inexpensive. The one we chose also takes decent still pictures - as long as there is light as I discovered on the 4th of July - it's not so good in dark.

As it was well over 90 degrees, I appreciate having a video/still camera in my pocket vs around my neck and I appreciate the (hopefully) simple way of uploading videos to the blog without having extra steps.

There are more videos and pictures from our journey to Ohio and there will be still more of our journey southwest, so stay tuned!

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