Sunday, September 27, 2009

Snakes don't eat apples

I am teaching 4 year old Religious Education for the parish on post. We were dogsitting this weekend for our friends, the Post's. So when Jake woke up at 630 this morning (babbling non-stop, I might add...) I decided I'd take him with me today so Matt could walk the dog with a little more ease having only Nick with him.

Today's lesson was on Adam and Eve. We read the story from the children's bible and had a discussion about how God told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple and the snake told them to eat it. We did a couple of art projects involving apples - and still talked about the lesson with the kids.

On the way home, Jake said something about the apple. I said God told Adam & Eve not to eat the apple.

Jake: well, Mommy, Daddy, Jake & Nick & Mia (the dog we're watching) eat apples.

Mommy: God wants us to eat apples now. It was just Adam & Eve's apple. God told them not to eat it and the snake told them to eat it. Adam & Eve didn't listen to God.

Jake: Mommy & Daddy & Jake & Nick & Mia eat apples.

Mommy: You're right, we eat apples.

Then we were home (short drive). He went tearing into the house and running down the hall to Daddy. "Daddy, snakes don't eat apples!!"

Matt kind of looked around trying to figure out how that came out of a religious education lesson. Once he had the rest of the story, of course, it made perfect sense.

I love this phase where they are putting things together with their naivete and trying to figure out the world. Ahhhh, the relatively simplistic life of the young...

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Love that Jake is trying to figure things out. Never even crossed my mind that little ones may think they can't eat apples after hearing that Bible reading! Jake is a smart one:)