Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day!

I really thought that staying home would yield me more time to update the blog and take more pics. It really hasn't. I feel like we're still working on a routine or system. The boys are having a great time - most days (as long as it's not pouring...) we are outside several times a day playing with our friends.

We've been making adjustments here over the last few days. With Nick's issues this year, I never got him off the bottle. While he CAN drink out of a cup, he has preferred his bottle - it was kind of his paci. So, we took him off day time bottles (baby steps...) - he still gets them at nap and bed time for the time being. That time is coming. Jake had become very attached to his paci for comfort. Friday, was the big day for both of them - no day time bottles and no paci's. Friday and Saturday night were pretty rough for me as Jake woke up in the middle of the night wanting his paci and almost woke Nick up. Sunday, was only one wake up and last night - NONE! AND, he didn't even ask for the paci! Woohooo!!!!!! Nick is better with our new development than he was, but he's still sure he wants a bottle when he wakes up. We'll let this settle down and then we'll be losing the bottle all together...I think I just need to brace myself for a couple of no/short nap days for that. I'm planning to pick a time when the weather is good so I can just wear them out and Nick will just CRASH!

Today, is Jake's first day of preschool. It's only Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30 but I think he's going to have a GREAT time! He has some friends in the class already. We met his teacher, Ms. Jeanette, last week. We also found out that one of the field trips he will go on will be to the fire station. Not only that, he rides a school BUS to get there. He will have so much fun that day!

Nick has really come in to his own lately. He has his own logic and he surely lets you know what he's thinking now. He's come up with a whole lot more language.

Jake has really broadened his thoughts and language too. Every day, they outsmart me just a little. With this whole paci expedition, we had been talking about sending his paci's to Aunt Shannon's Baby "Crash" - Jake's nickname for the ultrasound. I wasn't REALLY going to mail them...but Jake informed me he was going to carry the box in the car. So, off we went to the post office. I think, ultimately, it helped to solidify that the pacis were gone. So, it worked out. Poor Aunt Shannon...she'll be wondering what is going on until she reads the letter in the box!

Hope this finds everyone well! We've got to start our new morning routine!

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Sounds like you are doing well in your new home and the boys are getting big!!!! It's hard to give up those comforts especially amid lots of other changes. Way to go Mommy!!!!