Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day with Daddy

The thing about snow and extremely cold temps in a place like El Paso is that they shut down as much of the city as they can because of the obvious - snow & ice can be dangerous but also because of the not quite as obvious - when temps drop that low, even people who suffer thru the 30-50 degree temps with no heat NEED heat when temps hover around ZERO (Farenheit...).  As this is a largely electric heat area - the system in effect says WHAT THE ..... JUST HAPPENED.  Several stations failed - and the backups couldn't get started because natural gas pressure was too low.  The Army takes heed and has been closed, shut off all un-needed electricty and shut down all but a couple of shoppettes yesterday so that electricity could be used to power homes.  We were lucky - we didn't lose power.  This provided an extra day for Daddy to go play in the snow.  Mommy is still not a fan - and took some pics.  15 minutes later, Nick had had enough and came inside too. He is definitely my kid - Jake would stay until appendages fell off, I'm quite certain.  The snow suits we ordered for the mountains should be here tomorrow.  so much for planning...

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Robin said...

LOVE THE PICS!!!! Pickle you have mad skills for making snowballs.


We love you

The Neu Family said...

How fun. Crazy storm. We are far apart but felt the effects of that one together.