Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update on Nick

Nick had his first check up today. Dr. Redman took all the bandages off and the catheter out. Nick was none-to-pleased about that when it happened, but I think he was happier later.

Dr. Redman said it was looking good - glad he thought so, because I think it has a ways to go.

Nick was insistent on taking a bath tonight. I was really nervous that all that raw tissue would hurt - but he had a good ole time in the tub. He's not fond of diaper changes at the moment, but we'll get there.

We'll be scheduling his 18 mo check up shortly. He's doing great from the surgery!

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Keep us updated. I am sure it can't heal fast enough for you. I am glad the doc thinks it looks good though - that is comforting.