Saturday, March 14, 2009


I received my first award a couple of days ago! I didn't know that there was such a thing on Blogger. Sometimes I feel like I'm pretty up on what's going on and others I feel like I’m way behind the times! My friend Gisela, from Adventures in Babymaking, passed on to me the Sisterhood Award.

This award represents blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude. Thanks Gisela! I will be passing the award on to 2 other bloggers.

Thank you to all my blogging friends- I enjoy reading all the blogs – it makes me realize that we’re all in the same boat. And while I believe my boys have come up with these crazy things all on their own…I know they truly are normal, funloving boys!

Emily from The Neu Life: We’re a couple of peas in a pod. She’s one of my best friends and we have kids pretty close in age. She’s been a wife but is new to the military life. I’m proud to have her with me in that adventure. I only wish we lived closer so our kids could be as close as we are!

2- I have known Gisela for several years now. We worked together. Haha! She worked for a mortgage company in Jersey and I worked for a realtor in TX. An unlikely friendship, for sure, but so many similarities! Our boys have birthdays so close together. Our oldest are actually days apart and our second are a year and a few days apart.


Now here's what you do when you receive this.

1. Display this award on your blog.
2. Leave a comment to those you gave it to, letting them know they have it.
3. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
4. Pass it on to 10 or fewer bloggers who you think demonstrate great attitude and/or gratitude.

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Hey - thank you sister girlfriend:) I love that we can keep up to date through our blogs. I am going to need more than ever soon! Thanks for always being there for me and being such a great friend. I love you!!!!! ~Em