Sunday, March 8, 2009


Okay, our life is pretty routine - this has become more and more obvious as I try to take pictures of new and interesting things for us. We get up, go to work/school, come home and play, eat dinner, have a bath, watch Cars or Puppies (101 Dalmations) and go to bed.

Jake is a smart boy. He knows his colors really well and is working on his letters and numbers. He has taken over teaching colors to his class. They have a poster with all the colors on it and Jake points to a color: "Red" and then turns to the class "Say RED" - and so on thru all the colors on the poster. His teacher is amused and takes advantage of that time to work on her daily sheets. She was out last week and the sub put crayons on the table in the colors that they would need - red blue and green. The work sheet had mittens outlined in different colors - the theory was that the kids would color the mittens in the color of the outline - Jake was the only one in his class to do them all. The sub was so proud and showed it all over the school.

Nick is FINALLY starting to walk. We still think it was his ears but the doctors aren't in agreement. Whatever - he's walking. He got his first pair of walking shoes this weekend. He graduated to the next class up and is doing great. It was very hard for us to leave Ms. Vicki and Ms. Kim - Nick really loves those ladies; but he's doing great in the new room. He gets to play outside and escapes past the teachers and crawls as fast as he can to the big playground and climbs up. He gets very upset when they catch on and prevent him from going over. He still crawls more often the walks, but it's starting to balance out and we know it won't be long before the walking out-weighs the crawling!

Jake has been sick all weekend so we're hoping he gets over it soon. We're pretty sure a doctor visit is on the agenda tomorrow.

Matt should have his orders this week (hopefully) for Ft Leavenworth and we're busily trying to plan that move. So many unanswered questions right now - but it won't be long and we'll be up there!

Hope this finds you all well!

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