Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Fun!

Okay, I misspoke in an earlier post. TODAY we had our first real snow! There appears to be about 3-4 inches on the ground. Depending on the station you choose to watch, there could be up to six more coming yet today and tonight – I think it will be closer to 3-4…after the sleeting we’re getting now. It oughtta be good and messy tomorrow! So we decided to go out and play today. We had to test out our new mittens and boots with our snow pants. I think we all stayed pretty toasty warm – we lasted close to an hour and a half since our friends soon trickled out with us!

Here we are prepping to go out. I had no idea what a challenge to get multiple layers on a couple of preschoolers would be. Holy Mackeral! We did it in kind of a round…First Mommy got most of the way dressed then the boys. Then Mommy did shoes, then the boys’ coats and mittens. Then Mommy’s coat and gloves. Whew. Didn’t want anyone to over heat along the way…

Jake wore Daddy’s hat. Already, I don’t know what has happened to two hats we had. One of them we JUST had yesterday. Oh well…Jake really like wearing Daddy’s hat until it got wet and sagged. Getting them both to look…well…you know. I got smart and used shutter blast this time and just called their names. J (Em, I would use “exasperating” over “fun”…but I enjoy the challenge…)

Livvie brought out her sled. Jake took right to that. Nick thought about it and then decided he was too cold or not quite ready.

Liv showed Jake how to make snow angels…and he did a great job right away.

1 comment:

The Neu Family said...

Wow, that is quite some snow you have there. You did a great job getting both boys bundled and TO LOOK at the camera at the same time! You go girl:) Can't wait to see you over Christmas. Love ya!