Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monday, May 4

I thought that day would never get here. Nick's surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. When we were put on the schedule over a year ago - I thought it would never get here. It was just a nagging thought in the back of my mind and I didn't really have to deal with it.

In the last couple of weeks, I had to deal with the insurance - making sure it all got taken care of; another (almost) ear infection which meant another round of antibiotics for poor Nick (yes, ears are definitely on the list of things to fix next...hopefully better weather fixes it for him), regular day and school life.

Both boys are too young to understand - I tried to warn them so that they have heard it before. Not like when I went to have Nick and I had totally underestimated what Jake would understand and traumatized the poor kid. I told them both that Nick was going to the doctor so the doctor could fix Nick's pee pee. Jake sat at the table during lunch and informed Matt that the doctor would fix Nick's pee pee.

As if this surgery isn't weighing enough on my mind. As I was up way too late last night, Mom called and informed me her flight had been canceled. I did really good holding it together for the 5 mins I talked to her and then I came undone. That would not have been cool. I did what any Murray would do and poured myself a glass of wine, got on the internet and found her some flights that didn't go through weather-ravaged areas. At 1am she finally called and said it was all fixed. Besides being my support - I don't think I could have explained to Jake in a manner satisfactory to him that his Nana was NOT coming today. Let's just hope the weather holds out just a little longer - we're already on a waiting list for some wood to build an ark!

So, I have about 12-14 hours of awake time (not counting the hours I won't sleep tonight) before we have to take Nick in to Children's hospital. I'll let you all know how he did tomorrow night!

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